Examples of Battery Under Tennessee Law
If you or someone you know is facing battery charges in Tennessee, you might be feeling overwhelmed and unsure about what happens next. Battery is technically called "assault" in Tennessee and is grouped in with other assaultive crimes. However, acts understood to be battery specifically involve physical contact and are considered serious crimes with consequences that can have a lasting impact on your future.
Here, our Tennessee criminal defense attorney will break down what battery is under Tennessee law, give real-life examples of how it might happen, and discuss the potential consequences. Whatever criminal charges you or your loved one are facing, remember that the outcome of your case will almost certainly be improved with the help of an attorney. Call us today at 865-200-4117.
What is Considered Battery in Tennessee?
In Tennessee, battery is the intentional and offensive touching of another person without their consent. This can include hitting, punching, slapping, or even causing someone to fall or get hurt in any other way. Battery is considered a Class A misdemeanor, but if the injury is severe or there are aggravating factors (like using a weapon), it could lead to more serious charges, such as aggravated battery.
You can face battery charges for actions involving friends, family members, or even coworkers. Here are a few examples of battery to give you a clearer picture of what this crime could look like.
Battery in Public
One of the most common places where battery charges arise is in public settings, especially places where emotions run high — like a bar or during a road rage incident. Bar fights often lead to battery charges. If someone bumps into you or says something rude, you both start shoving each other, and a fight breaks out, this could be classified as battery, even if you did not seriously hurt anyone. The law only requires that the touching was offensive or harmful.
Battery at Work
Workplaces can also be settings for battery charges. A disagreement between coworkers could quickly turn physical, especially if there is a history of tension or if alcohol is involved at a work event. For example, if a coworker makes a comment you do not like, and in the heat of anger, you push them or slap them in the face, you could face battery charges. Even if it was a "spur-of-the-moment" reaction, if it was intentional and offensive, it qualifies as battery under Tennessee law.
Battery in Private
Even in private settings, personal relationships can result in battery charges. For example, if you are out with friends and you have all been drinking, you could easily get into a heated argument with one of your friends. If you slap or punch them, causing some bruising or swelling, you could face battery charges in Tennessee. The law does not differentiate based on intent — all that matters is that the action was offensive and non-consensual.
Can You Stay Out of Jail with a Diversion Program?
For those facing their first battery charge and without a serious history of violent crime, there may be options for diversion programs. These programs allow individuals to meet certain conditions, such as completing community service, counseling, or anger management, in exchange for having the charges reduced or dismissed. This can be a game-changer, especially for those who want to avoid a criminal record.
Schedule Your Free Consultation with a Farragut, TN Criminal Defense Lawyer Today
If you have been charged with battery in Tennessee, do not wait to seek legal advice. At The Baker Law Firm, our experienced Knox County, TN criminal defense attorney can work with you to negotiate with prosecutors, explore diversion programs, or prepare a strong defense. We offer free consultations to discuss your case, help you understand your options, and discuss the best way to protect your future. Call 865-200-4117.