
Knoxville Drug Trafficking Defense Lawyer

Skilled Defense Attorney for Drug Trafficking Charges in Knoxville, TN

Drug trafficking is one of the most serious drug crimes at both the state and federal levels. Because traffickers often bring illicit substances across state lines, many will face federal charges. Even if you are only up against state-level charges, your situation is quite serious. Drug trafficking is taken extremely seriously and punished quite harshly in Tennessee. People charged with simple possession might have the benefit of being regarded as addicts who need treatment rather than long prison sentences. Traffickers can expect no such sympathy, as the court might consider them responsible for causing others to experience life-ruining addictions.

The team at The Baker Law Firm is skilled in taking on major drug felony cases. Attorney Lance K. Baker provides strategic and aggressive representation to people charged with drug trafficking, drug manufacturing, and other drug-related felonies. If you are facing drug trafficking charges, we can protect your rights and fight for you in court.

What Drug Trafficking Means

The term "trafficking" might make you think of a large-scale criminal enterprise moving massive quantities of illicit substances around the country or even around the world. It conjures up images of cartel or gang activity and highly organized criminal operations. However, the legal definition of drug trafficking in Tennessee is not nearly so extreme. What Tennessee calls drug trafficking might be called drug distribution in other states. All the term means here is delivering or selling any amount of a controlled substance.

So, for example, something as simple and innocuous as giving your friend a small bag of marijuana might fall under the definition of drug trafficking in Tennessee. This is how even occasional users of non-addictive drugs can get caught up in drug trafficking charges. Drug trafficking is always a felony offense, even when the crime only involves a small amount of a less serious drug and no exchange of money.

Penalties for Drug Trafficking in Tennessee

The exact penalties you might be subject to depend on the type and amount of the drug involved. Whether you were selling drugs for profit may also be a factor in how the court sentences you. Someone caught routinely selling large quantities of heroin would be punished far more harshly than someone sharing a codeine prescription with a few friends at a party.

Possible penalties include:

  • At least one year behind bars - Felony offenses in Tennessee carry at least a year of time in prison. However, sentences for drug trafficking can be decades long in cases involving more serious offenses, such as when the defendant is actually involved in a large-scale criminal operation. Sentencing enhancements might also apply if you were caught in or near a drug-free zone, such as a school or playground.
  • Registering as a Drug Offender - Tennessee forces people convicted of serious drug offenses to register just like sex offenders. This means that information like your full name and type of offense will be easily accessible to the public.
  • Asset forfeiture - If the state believes that you profited from your crime, it can seize any property you might have used the proceeds of drug trafficking to acquire.
  • Steep fines - The most serious forms of drug distribution can result in fines up to $100,000.
  • Difficulty in future endeavors - You may find it hard to convince a landlord to rent to you anywhere, let alone in a desirable or safe area. You may also struggle to find adequate employment, and if you are a college student, you might face expulsion.

Contact a Knoxville, Tennessee Drug Trafficking Lawyer

The Baker Law Firm can help if you are facing drug trafficking charges. To ensure that you will have effective legal representation during your case, contact us at 865-200-4117 for a complimentary consultation.

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