Knoxville, Tennessee Sexual Assault Defense Attorney
Aggressive Sexual Assault Defense Attorney Defending Clients in Knoxville, TN
Sexual assault - which is legally referred to as sexual battery in Tennessee - is only slightly less serious than rape. While rape involves nonconsensual sexual penetration, sexual battery involves any type of nonconsensual sexual contact. If you are convicted of sexual battery, you will have to register as a sex offender, and you will likely be sent to prison. Tennessee courts take all sex crimes very seriously and punish these offenses harshly. Sex offenders live with numerous restrictions that interfere with their daily lives. You would be limited in where you can live, where you can go, and what kind of job you can have. Few employers are willing to hire sex offenders, and few landlords are willing to rent to them, even in zones where sex offenders are permitted to live.
At The Baker Law Firm, we understand the impact these charges can have on your life. Attorney Lance K. Baker will work strategically to prepare the strongest defense possible.
Sexual Battery Laws in Tennessee
Sexual battery encompasses almost any kind of sexual contact between the victim and defendant where the victim did not, could not, or was forced to consent. Sexual contact means physical touching of the victim's genitals or intimate body parts, including touching of the clothing directly covering those body parts. It also includes situations where the victim is forced to touch the defendant's intimate body parts, including touching through clothing.
Sexual contact can be considered battery if it is carried out:
- By force - For example, if the defendant restrained the victim and touched her genitals over her objections.
- By coercion - This mean unlawful coercion, such as by blackmailing the victim.
- By fraud - Tricking the victim into engaging in sexual contact in some way can be considered fraud.
You might also be charged with sexual battery if you had sexual contact with the alleged victim and:
- You knew the victim was mentally impaired, mentally incompetent, or physically helpless - This includes having sexual contact with people who are severely impaired due to intoxication and people with certain disabilities.
- You are professionally treating the victim - This includes sexual contact between the victim and their therapist, doctor, or religious counselor.
Aggravated Sexual Assault Laws Explained
You can be charged with aggravated sexual battery if any of the following circumstances were present:
- The alleged victim was less than 13 years old.
- You allegedly caused any type of bodily injury to the victim during the commission of the battery.
- You allegedly had a weapon or caused the victim to reasonably believe that you had a weapon even if you actually did not.
- A second person allagedly aided or abetted the sexual battery, such as by holding down the alleged victim while you touched them.
Penalties for Sexual Assault
Sexual battery carries a prison sentence of one to six years and a fine of up to $5,000. Probation alone is not an option - a conviction will require you to serve time behind bars. You will also have to register as a sex offender upon your release.
The mandatory minimum sentence for aggravated sexual battery is eight years, but Tennessee law allows sentences up to 30 years for this crime. You may be forced to register as a sex offender for a long period of time after getting out.
Contact a Knoxville, Tennessee Sexual Assault Attorney
The Baker Law Firm provides legal representation for people who have been accused of sex crimes in Tennessee. If you are facing charges of sexual assault, contact us at 865-200-4117 for a complimentary consultation.