Knoxville, Tennessee Weapons Violations Attorney
Weapons Violations Lawyer in Knoxville, Tennessee
Tennessee has historically maintained relatively permissive laws addressing firearms and other types of weapons. However, as part of ongoing efforts meant to increase the safety of people in the state, legislators have enacted more stringent laws in recent years. Charges related to gun and weapon violations can be very serious, and people may face severe penalties if they are found guilty of weapons charges.
At The Baker Law Firm, we understand the serious nature of weapons charges, especially when they are related to accusations of violent crimes. We work to ensure that our clients' rights are protected in these cases. We can help address charges related to the possession of restricted weapons, carrying weapons in prohibited locations, or possession of weapons by felons or others who are subject to restrictions.
Protecting the Right to Bear Arms in Tennessee
The Second Amendment provides one of the most fundamental rights in the United States Constitution: "the right of the people to keep and bear arms." The government cannot limit this right, and this ensures that people will have the means to protect themselves and their families. In spite of debates about what the Founding Fathers of the United States intended and disagreements over how the Second Amendment should be interpreted today, many state and federal courts have ruled that people in the U.S. have the right to possess, own, and carry firearms, although some limitations do apply.
Specific limitations can vary from state to state and even from municipality to municipality. We are well-versed in Tennessee's weapons laws, as well as local ordinances and restrictions. Even though guns can be dangerous when used incorrectly, most people who own firearms are very responsible, and they make sure to abide by the law. It is not unusual for weapons violation charges to result from errors or misunderstandings, like a person who has a concealed carry permit carrying a firearm in a park when they did not realize that doing so was prohibited. In the event that you face charges for illegal weapon possession or other related crimes, we can help you explore all your options for defense, and we will help you determine the best steps to take to resolve your case while protecting your right to own and possess a firearm.
Tennessee law also places restrictions on certain types of firearms and other dangerous weapons. People in Tennessee cannot possess, transport, or sell weapons such as:
- Any weapon designed to inflict serious injury or death
- Brass knuckles
- Weapons that fire explosives (such as grenade launchers)
- Explosive weapons (such as grenades or mines)
- Machine guns
- Shotguns or rifles with short barrels
Tennessee also law prohibits "imposture" devices, which include items that look like firearms, explosives, or other weapons and may be used the threaten or alarm others. The specific weapons charges a person may face will usually depend on the classification of the weapon or other factors. Some weapons offenses are Class A misdemeanors, but they may range as high as Class B felonies.
Contact Our Knoxville, Tennessee Gun and Weapon Violations Lawyer
If you have been charged with a violation related to a gun or another type of weapon, contact The Baker Law Firm at 865-200-4117 to schedule your free consultation. Our firm assists clients throughout Middle and Eastern Tennessee.