Knoxville, Tennessee Rape Defense Lawyer
Defense Attorney Protecting Defendants in Knoxville, TN
Rape is one of the most serious types of sex offenses in Tennessee. It involves nonconsensual sexual penetration or intercourse. If you have been accused of rape, you might already be experiencing consequences like the loss of your job or public humiliation. You might have been placed under pretrial supervision or had an order of protection issued against you that restricts where you can go. An accusation of this nature can be extremely damaging evenc before you have a chance to defend yourself. You need a highly skilled criminal defense attorney with experience in complex felony cases to prepare a strong defense on your behalf.
The Baker Law Firm is committed to providing the best legal defense possible to each client, regardless of the nature or seriousness of the charges against them. Attorney Lance K. Baker has been recognized by prestigious organizations like Super Lawyers and The National Trial Lawyers for his exceptional work in criminal defense. We are committed to defending your rights and helping you resolve your case successfully.
The Difference Between Sexual Assault and Rape
Sexual assault refers to any type of sexual contact, such as touching of the genitals even through clothing. Rape refers to sexual penetration, including oral, vaginal, and anal penetration. Rape is a far more serious offense. There are five distinct types of rape charges in Tennessee:
Attorney for Rape Charges
Rape, in its least serious form, means sexual penetration carried out by force, fraud or coercion or where the victim is incapable of providing meaningful consent. This includes situations where the victim is too intoxicated to consent to sexual penetration. Rape may also be charged if the victim is mentally incapacitated, mentally incompetent, or physically helpless.
Aggravated Rape Laws in Tennessee
Aggravated rape may be charged when the basic elements of rape are met, and:
- The perpetrator allegedly caused the victim to suffer bodily harm;
- The defendant allegedly had or used a weapon or caused the victim to believe they had a weapon; or
- A second person allegedly aided or abetted the rape, such as by luring the victim to a secluded location where the offense allegedly occurred.
Statutory Rape
In Tennessee, people under the age of 18 years old are not considered to be capable of consenting to sexual penetration with a person who is more than four years older than they are. This means that if you are older than 21 years old, you can be charged with statutory rape for engaging in sexual penetration with any minor, even if you were dating them. Statutory rape laws only apply if the minor in question was at least 13 years old. Otherwise, child rape charges may apply.
Child Rape Laws Explained
Child rape is an extremely serious sex crime. There is no parole for people convicted of child rape - if you are convicted of this offense, you must serve the full sentence. If you allegedly took any photos or videos of the offense in progress, you may also be charged with especially aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor.
In these cases, the state does not need to prove that you used any sort of force, coercion, or fraud. Simply proving that you engaged in an act of sexual penetration with a child between the ages of eight years old and 13 years old is enough to secure a child rape conviction.
Aggravated Child Rape
You can be charged with aggravated child rape if the alleged victim was younger than eight years old. If you are an adult, there is an extreme mandatory minimum sentence for this crime. Aggravated child rape carries a sentence of life without parole. This would mean spending the rest of your life behind bars.
Contact a Knoxville, Tennessee Rape Defense Lawyer
At The Baker Law Firm, we are experienced in defending people accused of serious sex crimes. If you have been charged with rape or sexual assault, contact us at 865-200-4117 for a complimentary and confidential consultation.