Knoxville, TN Underage Intoxication Lawyer
Knoxville, Tennessee Attorney for College Students Charged With Underage Drinking
If you are a college student or even a high school student who is going to be applying for college soon, being hit with an underage drinking charge can derail your plans. Students at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville will have to deal with both the legal consequences of an arrest and any discipline imposed by the school. College hopefuls may find that having a criminal conviction - however minor - on their record can drastically reduce their chances of admission to the school they want to attend. It is imperative for juveniles and young adults charged with underage alcohol crimes to find strong legal representation.
The team at The Baker Law Firm has experience representing teenagers and young adults in criminal court. Underage alcohol possession and consumption are extremely common charges that do not have to be life-ruining. By taking the right steps with the help of a skilled attorney, you can get back to your life as usual as soon as possible.
Types of Underage Drinking Offenses
There are a handful of distinct alcohol-related offenses that people under 21 years old can be charged with, including:
- DWI - Driving while intoxicated applies to people between the ages of 16 and 20 years old who are caught driving with a BAC of at least 0.02%. DWI is normally less serious than DUI. You do not necessarily need to be visibly intoxicated to be convicted of this offense due to the low BAC limit. Those convicted of DWI are not eligible for a restricted license, which could put you in a very difficult position if you need your car to get to school or work.
- Minor in possession - Being in possession of alcoholic beverages is a criminal offense if you are under 21 years old, even if you were not caught drinking and were not drunk when you were caught. We may be able to defend you by arguing that you were not knowingly in possession, especially if someone else brought the alcohol into your vehicle without telling you or if the alcohol was found in your shared dorm room.
- Purchase of alcohol by a minor - Even making a failed attempt to order a drink at the bar or to get through the self-checkout with a six-pack of beer is a criminal offense. The matter is far more serious if you used a fake ID or an ID that belongs to someone else. While it is fairly common for college students to borrow IDs from students who are over 21 years old, doing so could lead to serious legal trouble.
- Public intoxication by a minor - While being drunk and in public is common among college students, being so drunk that you attract the attention of law enforcement can be a serious problem. You could face multiple charges if you are caught with alcohol in public and are intoxicated enough to pose a danger to yourself, others, or property, or if you are creating a disturbance.
- Serving alcohol - It is illegal in Tennessee for minors to serve alcohol to others. Your fraternity, sorority, or group of friends may have thought that putting underage students in charge of bartending at a party was a good idea, but this can get you arrested.
Underage Drinking Charges at University of Tennessee Football Games
College students may drink alcohol at parties or other events before, during, or after football games. While this is common, students under the age of 21 are still prohibited from possessing, purchasing, or consuming alcohol, and they could potentially be arrested and face criminal charges. The Baker Law Firm can help college students or other minors defend against these charges. In addition to representing Tennessee students, we can provide legal help to those who are charged with underage intoxication while visiting from out of state to attend football games.
Contact a Knoxville, TN Underage Intoxication Lawyer
The team at The Baker Law Firm is experienced in helping teenagers and college students who have been charged with alcohol-related offenses. contact us at 865-200-4117 for a complimentary consultation.