Knoxville, Tennessee Child Pornography Defense Lawyer
Child Pornography Defense Attorney Assisting Clients in Knoxville, TN
Possession of child pornography is a serious felony sex crime. The offense is called "sexual exploitation of a minor" in Tennessee. Possession of even a single image of a child engaged in a sex act can get you sent to prison for up to 12 years. Courts take child pornography charges extremely seriously. Even if you had nothing to do with the production of the images or videos, just having them in your possession means that the court will consider you a participant in the sexual abuse of the child depicted. The reasoning is that if people were not searching for and downloading child pornography on the internet, there would be less reason for anyone to produce it.
The Baker Law Firm is adept at handling serious felony sex crime cases. We will work to provide you with the best legal defense possible under the circumstances.
Defining Child Pornography
In Tennessee, child pornography is defined as an image or video of a minor engaging in sexual activity or simulated sexual activity. This includes drawings of minors engaged in these activities. Sexual activity is very broadly defined and encompasses many different types of sexual acts and sexually explicit poses. Importantly, the prosecution does not need to prove that the person depicted is actually under the age of 18 years old - it is enough if he or she looks like a child.
Depictions of mere nudity or partial nudity in a nonsexual situation - like a baby in a bathtub or an artistic painting that includes children who are nude but not performing sex acts - are normally not considered child pornography.
Sexual Exploitation of a Minor
This offense involves the simple possession of even a single image or video that is considered child pornography. Possessing more than 50 images or videos will lead to increased penalties. This is the base-level child pornography charge in Tennessee, and it is punishable by up to 12 years behind bars.
Aggravated Sexual Exploitation of a Minor
You might be charged with this more serious felony offense if you allegedly promoted, sold, distributed, transported, purchased, or exchanged child pornography. You might also be charged with this crime if you allegedly possessed child pornography and intended to do any of these things. These actions are considered to contribute to the ongoing sexual abuse of children in a much greater way by creating increased demand and thereby encouraging others to continue producing child sexual abuse material.
Especially Aggravated Sexual Exploitation of a Minor
This is the most serious type of child pornography charge in Tennessee. People who are accused of being involved with the production or creation of child pornography may be charged with this offense. You might be charged with this extremely serious offense if you allegedly:
- Transported the children involved or the equipment used in the production;
- Paid anyone to appear in or otherwise help create the child pornography;
- Assisted with the production, such as by holding the camera or coaching the children; or
- Allowed a minor to appear in the production.
If you allegedly solicited a minor to create a pornographic image of himself or herself, you might be charged with this offense, even if you did not meet the minor in person.
Contact a Knoxville, Tennessee Child Pornography Lawyer
The Baker Law Firm is committed to providing excellent criminal defense services to all clients. If you have been accused of a child pornography offense, contact us at 865-200-4117 for a complimentary consultation.