Knoxville, Tennessee Domestic Violence Attorney
Domestic Assault Defense Lawyer in Knoxville, TN
In Tennessee and other parts of the United States, domestic violence is a serious problem. An alleged act of violence against a family member or actions that could be considered intimidating or threatening could result in severe penalties. Relationships can be destroyed by domestic abuse, but false or exaggerated accusations can also have devastating effects. The Baker Law Firm helps people and families address accusations that a person has committed domestic violence. With our understanding of Tennessee laws that address violent crimes, we can help defend against convictions and ensure that our clients take the proper steps to preserve family relationships.
Domestic violence accusations can be embarrassing, scary, and stressful. Tennessee has put laws in place to penalize domestic violence, and a conviction can have serious consequences. A domestic violence attorney should be contacted once you become aware that you are under investigation for domestic violence. Your lawyer should be present when you speak to police officers to make sure your rights are protected and that you do not make any incriminating statements or sign documents that could potentially be used against you. We can advise you on what you should say and do in these situations, and we will help you determine the best steps to take to resolve your case successfully.
Tennessee Domestic Violence
Domestic assault charges may apply when a person is accused of domestic violence in Tennessee. Other offenses that may apply in these situations include:
- Child abuse, endangerment, or neglect
- False imprisonment
- Kidnapping
- Rape
- Other sexual offenses
Under Tennessee law, there are several family or household members that may be considered "domestic abuse victims." These include a person's current or former spouse or romantic partner, people who live in the same home, and family members related genetically, through marriage, or through adoption. Domestic assault charges may apply if you are accused of taking actions that caused harm to any of these people or acting in ways that caused them to fear that they would be injured or suffer other forms of harm.
A Trusted Source of Guidance in Complicated Situations
It is likely that someone will be arrested when the police respond to a domestic violence incident. In such a situation, Tennessee law encourages officers to arrest the person who they consider to be the "primary aggressor." However, there are some cases where the incorrect person may be arrested. In communities with "zero-tolerance" policies, police are more likely to perform arrests first and then have the courts review cases to determine whether formal charges may be pursued or other actions may be taken.
If someone is arrested for domestic violence, it may cause others to believe that they are actually an abuser. Our team believes that every person has a constitutional right to be considered innocent until they are proven guilty in a court of law, including people who are facing domestic violence charges. You will be treated with dignity and respect as we take steps to defend your rights and protect your future interests.
Family law situations can be volatile, and accusations of domestic violence are not uncommon. Those who perpetrate violence against their spouses, children, or other family members should be held responsible. However, many of these accusations may be exaggerated or based on false information. When in the middle of a custody battle, a parent may falsely accuse their ex-partner of violence or stalking. They may seek an order of protection that will prevent their spouse or partner from returning to the family home or contacting the accuser or their children. We are ready to help address false allegations that you have committed domestic violence, and we will act to protect your reputation and your future.
Contact Our Knoxville, Tennessee Domestic Violence Lawyer
Following an arrest for domestic violence or other related offenses, you need a strong attorney on your side to help you address these charges. To get legal help in these situations, contact The Baker Law Firm at 865-200-4117 to set up a free consultation. We provide representation for people in Knoxville, Nashville, and other parts of East and Middle Tennessee.