Knoxville, Tennessee Juvenile Crimes Lawyer
Skilled Juvenile Defense Attorney Protecting Minors in Knoxville, TN
Getting arrested as a juvenile can be a terrifying experience. Being adjudicated delinquent at a young age can interfere with your plans for the future. Colleges are less likely to accept applicants who have a criminal record, limiting your options. You might also get in trouble at your high school, especially if the crime was committed on school property or at a school-sanctioned event. Having a good lawyer to represent you can make a big difference in the kind of impact your arrest will have.
The team at The Baker Law Firm is experienced in working with juveniles who have been accused of crimes. Attorney Lance K. Baker will work to keep your case in juvenile court if you are at risk of being charged as an adult. We can help you take the right steps to get through court proceedings and get back on track to meet your goals as soon as possible.
DWI and Alcohol-Related Charges
It is common for young people to experiment with alcohol. Despite underage intoxication being fairly normal, it is illegal and can lead to an arrest. Alcohol-related offenses juveniles are often charged with include:
- DWI - If you are under 21 years old, you can be charged with DWI for driving with a BAC of just 0.02%. A conviction can result in the suspension of your driver's license and other penalties.
- Minor in possession - Just having alcohol is a crime, even if you were not drinking it.
- Buying or attempting to buy alcohol - You might think you have nothing to lose by trying to buy a six-pack at your local gas station or ordering a drink at a restaurant, but even attempting to purchase alcohol is a crime.
- Using a fake ID - This offense can be very serious, and it can result in criminal charges and penalties.
Juvenile Traffic Offenses
When you are learning to drive or have just gotten your driver's license, it can be tempting to ignore the rules of the road or to drive when you are not supposed to. Common juvenile traffic offenses include:
- Driving without a license - This includes driving with a learner's permit and no adult in the car.
- Reckless driving - While driving fast or attempting stunts can be fun, it is also dangerous and illegal.
- Driving on a suspended license - Continuing to drive if you have received too many traffic tickets and your license has been suspended can get you arrested.
Assaultive Offenses Among Minors
In the past, when children got into a fight at school, they would be sent to the principal's office and probably suspended. Now, children are increasingly being arrested for getting into fights both in and out of school. If you had a conflict with another juvenile that turned physical, you might be charged with violent offenses like assault or battery. You may even be charged with domestic violence if the victim was a family member or a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Drug Crimes and Teenagers
Teenagers have fairly easy access to marijuana now that it is legal in neighboring states. Cannabis use among teenagers is on the rise. However, teenagers caught with marijuana or other THC products can be arrested for drug possession.
Just like adults, minors can struggle with substance abuse problems that lead them to use harder drugs. Young people who become addicted to hard drugs are more likely to become involved with a criminal lifestyle, and they may face more serious charges like drug trafficking or drug manufacturing. The situation may be more serious if you are caught selling drugs on school grounds.
School-Related Crimes
Due to concerns about school shootings, violence affecting children or school personnel, and other safety issues at schools, law enforcement officials may take immediate action in response to potential threats, and children may face criminal charges in these situations. The Knox County Board of Education has a zero-tolerance policy regarding violence, drugs, and dangerous weapons. Students may face serious consequences that can potentially include criminal prosecution if they are accused of engaging in the following acts on school grounds, at school activities, or when riding or waiting for school buses:
- Unlawful possession of controlled substances
- Possession of firearms or explosives
- Aggravated assault against a teacher or school employee
- Threats of mass violence, including bomb threats, shootings, or other actions that could harm multiple people
Cases involving mass violence are taken especially seriously. Under Tennessee law, it is a felony to threaten to commit mass violence at a school or a school-related activity. These cases may also be investigated by the FBI, and a student could potentially face federal charges.
At The Baker Law Firm, we can help students and their parents address school-related criminal charges. We can provide guidance on how to respond to accusations that a student has engaged in violence or threats, and we can work to develop successful defense strategies that will help a student avoid penalties that could affect their future. In addition to the issues discussed above, we can also help families address concerns related to accusations of bullying or cyber-bulling, gang-related activity, possession of knives or other dangerous weapons, harassment, hazing, or vandalism.
Contact a Knoxville, TN Juvenile Crimes Lawyer
At The Baker Law Firm, we are here to help minors who have been charged with crimes. To get legal help with your case, contact us at 865-200-4117 for a complimentary consultation.