
What Happens if I Fail a Field Sobriety Test?

 Posted on March 18, 2025 in DUI/DWI/BUI

Knoxville, TN criminal defense lawyerField sobriety testing is standard procedure during a DUI stop. While failing does give officers probable cause, it does not guarantee a DUI conviction. Other factors come into play, and the potential penalties can vary. If you recently failed a field sobriety test during a DUI traffic stop, a Tennessee criminal defense attorney may be able to help you combat the charges and question the validity of the test results.

Could Something Else Cause Me To Fail Field Sobriety Tests?

Drinking is not the only way to fail a field sobriety test. A full assessment of the circumstances could produce other factors that may have resulted in an unwelcome outcome:

  • Your environment: Uneven surfaces, certain weather conditions, and bad lighting can all affect your ability to follow instructions perfectly.

  • Health conditions: A physical disability or injury could impact your ability to maintain balance or follow test rules.

  • Testing issues: Unclear instructions or improper demonstration could cause you to misunderstand the tasks you were meant to perform.

  • Psychological elements: Police stops are naturally intimidating and stressful, which can lead to difficulty with concentrating or maintaining coordination.

Something as simple as being overweight can make some field sobriety tests more challenging. A better understanding of the conditions you faced before, during, and after the tests is crucial to your case.

What Penalties Could I Face in the Long Term if Convicted?

Under Tennessee law, the penalties for DUI offenses vary based on several factors but generally include a fine, some jail time, and license suspension. A jail sentence can be up to 11 months and 29 days. Fees can range from $350-$1,500 for a first-time offender, $600-$3,500 for a second-time offender, and $1,100-$10,000 for a third offense. License suspension can last between one and six years, depending on offense history. After three offenses, a DUI charge goes from a misdemeanor to a felony.

If your license is suspended, you may be able to request a restricted license. This allows you limited access to driving for reasons like getting to work, medical visits, and school. It sometimes comes with stipulations, such as installing and maintaining an ignition interlock device. An IID is essentially a breath test that prevents the car from starting if a certain level of alcohol is detected on your breath.

Schedule a Free Consultation With a Knox County, TN Criminal Defense Attorney Today

A failed field sobriety test can be daunting, but it does not mean the fight is over. If you have questions about the circumstances surrounding your DUI case and arrest, you have the right to challenge the charges. An experienced Knoxville, TN criminal defense lawyer at The Baker Law Firm will listen to the details of your case with understanding and an open mind. Contact us at 865-200-4117 to schedule your free consultation today.

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