What Happens if You Violate Probation in Tennessee?
Probation is a second chance for people convicted of a crime to serve their sentence outside of jail or prison. However, probation comes with strict conditions that must be followed. Violating these conditions can have serious consequences, including the possibility of going to jail. If you are accused of violating probation, a Tennessee criminal defense attorney can help you fight the charges and work to keep you out of jail.
How Does Probation Work in Tennessee?
When a court grants probation, it allows a person to serve their sentence under supervision instead of being in jail. The court sets specific rules that must be followed, such as meeting with a probation officer, staying employed, avoiding further legal trouble, and completing community service or treatment programs.
There are two main types of probation in Tennessee: supervised and unsupervised. Supervised probation requires regular check-ins with a probation officer, while unsupervised probation does not. Regardless of the type, failing to follow probation rules can lead to serious legal trouble.
How Do You Violate Probation?
There are many ways someone can violate probation in Tennessee. Missing a scheduled meeting with a probation officer is a common violation. Even if the meeting was missed due to an emergency or mistake, it can still be considered a failure to comply with probation conditions.
Failing a drug or alcohol test is another serious violation. Many probation agreements require people to remain drug- and alcohol-free. If a test shows illegal drugs or alcohol in your system, the court will consider it a breach of probation terms.
Getting arrested for another crime, even if it is a minor offense, can lead to probation revocation. The court does not have to wait for a conviction — just being arrested can be enough to cause problems.
Not paying court-ordered fines, fees, or restitution can also be a violation. Some people struggle to make payments due to financial hardship, but courts still expect payments to be made on time unless arrangements are made in advance.
Finally, leaving the state without permission can result in a probation violation as well. Many probation agreements require people to stay in Tennessee unless they get approval from their probation officer. Traveling without permission, even for work or family emergencies, can be seen as breaking the rules.
What Happens After a Probation Violation?
If a probation officer believes that someone has violated their probation, they can file a violation report with the court. A judge may then issue a warrant for the person’s arrest. Once arrested, the person must attend a probation violation hearing where the judge will decide what happens next.
At the hearing, the prosecution must prove that a violation occurred. The person accused has the right to present evidence and call witnesses to defend themselves. Judges have several options when ruling on a violation. They may issue a warning, add more restrictions, extend the probation period, or revoke probation entirely and send the person to jail.
Request a Free Consultation with a Rutledge, TN Criminal Defense Lawyer Today
If you have been accused of violating probation in Tennessee, do not wait to get legal help. Contact The Baker Law Firm at 865-200-4117 for a free consultation and let a skilled Grainger County, TN criminal defense attorney fight to protect your freedom.